商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:czjide.qy6.com 供应低温三效精馏_常州冀德环保科技有限公司
联系人:章先生 先生 (经理)
电 话:0519-85606671
手 机:15851922333





Low temperature triple-effect rectification

四塔三效低温精馏是采用两级减压浓缩、粗品DMF减压精馏、成品DMF减压脱酸精制的工艺过程。Four-column triple-effect rectification takes the technological process of two stage reduction pressure concentration, crude DMF reduction pressure rectification, finished DMF product pressure reduction deacidification refinement.



◆ 节能。四塔三效在系统中热量经两次重复利用,使整套装置的能耗大大降低,与单塔精馏相比节能60%,与双塔精馏相比节能30%。

Energy conservation: the heat of four-column triple-effect in the system is recycled two times, making the whole set device energy consumption decreased sharply. Comparing to single-tower rectification, energy conservation can get 60%, comparing to two- column rectification, energy conservation can get 30%.

◆ 回收率高。采用低温精馏塔塔釜温度(145度),DMF分解率低,成品回收率高。回收率≥97%。

High recovery rate: utilize low temperature rectifying column temperature (145℃) with low DMF resolution rate, high finished product recovery rate. The recovery rate can equal to or more than 97%.

◆ 产品品质稳定性好。在脱酸系统中可以将DMF成品中的水分、二甲胺、甲酸同时脱除。DMF成品品质达到:水份≤300ppm、甲酸≤30ppm、二甲胺≤30ppm。

High product quality stability: deacidification system can remove moisture, dimethylamine, formic acid from the finished DMF product simultaneously, at same time the finished DMF product quality can get: moisture ≤300ppm, formic acid ≤30ppm, dimethylamine ≤30ppm.

章先生 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0519-85606671
传  真:
移动电话: 15851922333
公司地址: 中国江苏常州市江苏省常州市龙锦路1268号常检大厦16层1602、1604室
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公司主页: http://czjide.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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